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Why Do My Electronics Feel Hot?

smart phone charging

Computers, phones, gaming systems, and DVD players are just some of the electronic devices that frequently get used in households across the country. As you use these devices, you may notice them start to get hot. 

While it’s normal for your electronics to generate some heat, it could lead to problems if they start to feel too hot. It’s important to recognize why your device is overheating so that you can take the necessary steps to fix the situation.

What Causes Electronics to Overheat? 

The amount of electricity your device uses helps to determine how hot it is. Devices that require more electricity will produce more heat than devices that require less electricity.

Additionally, the harder your electronics have to work in order to operate fully, the more electricity they will use. The energy produced by your devices becomes heat, which is what you feel when your electronics get too hot.

Hot Power Outlets

Like with your electronic devices, power outlets can overheat. When this happens, it means that there is a problem occurring that needs to be fixed. A potential problem may be that your home’s wiring needs to be fixed, but before you get an electrician involved, make sure that your circuit is not overloaded.

An overloaded circuit is a common cause for hot power outlets. To practice power outlet safety and prevent your outlets from getting too hot, you should avoid running too many devices from one outlet.

Even though extension cords and power strips make it convenient to plug everything into one place, it could cause overheating. Additionally, if you have a device that will take a lot of energy to power such as a heater, you should plug this into a separate outlet.

A hot power outlet is dangerous because it could lead to a fire or damage to your electronics. By recognizing when and why your outlets are overheating, you can help keep your home safe. 

How to Prevent Overheating and Damage 

Even though your electronics will produce some heat naturally, there are electronic safety tips that you can take to prevent your devices from becoming too hot.

1. Keep Your Device Clean

Electronics such as computers and televisions commonly have vents that are used to help keep your device cool. When these become dirty or dusty, your device may not be able to cool itself properly. Additionally, your electronic may have to work harder, using more electricity and producing more heat as a result.

2. Avoid Stacking Your Electronics

While your device will produce its own heat, it does not need to share its heat with others. By having hot electronics on top of each other, the devices will not have the opportunity to cool efficiently and may increase the odds of overheating.

3. Use a Surge Protector

Surge protectors help to keep your home and electronics protected from power surges. A power surge occurs when the electrical current in your home increases, and this could cause your breakers to trip.

Tripping breakers means that your circuits shut off and stop the flow of power. This occurs when your circuits have too much electricity flowing through them. Utilizing a surge protector can help manage how much electricity your circuits are using at once and prevent your breakers from tripping.

At Benchmark Electrical Services, we offer whole-home surge protectors that are installed into your main electrical panel. This helps protect each power source in your home from damage, and it comes with a five-year warranty.

Contact Benchmark Electrical Services

 At Benchmark Electrical Services, we provide affordable services to meet your electrical needs. Our team is professional and reliable, and we care about keeping your home protected. Contact us today and learn more about what we can do for you.